photos of inanimate objects by jordan (age 14) and lea (age 40). we take pictures almost everyday (jordan with a nikon and lea with a canon). we are not related (jordan's mom was lea's college roommate) and we live in different states. we don't plan the photo pairings. it is cool to see if they "match up". so...can you guess which photo was taken by the 14 year old and which was taken by the 40 year old? record your guess by commenting, then check back in a day or two to see if you were right!
mixed media, jordan...posts, lea
Uh, this one is HARD!
Jordan - top
Lea - bottom
Top - Jordan
Bottom - Lea
Top pic - lea
bottom - jordan ):
metal - Jordan
wood - Lea
take a step, take a step-jordan
trust falls for all-lea
can you earn money free
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